Radio Zurisee
Radio Zurisee was founded in the 90s as a traditional FM radio. After a period offline from traditional radio came the rebirth of the old web Radio Zurisee, a web radio station broadcasting the live streaming of music of all genres, from pop to dance music, from rock to Italian music of today and yesterday. Lovers of Latin American music and even fans of folk music will be satisfied with the rich and varied programming Radio Zurisee.
Radio Zürisee was launched on 1 November 1983 in occasion of the licensing of private radio stations in Switzerland, as one of the first alternatives to the Swiss government-owned radio stations. In 2008 the station was allowed by the Swiss government to establish a correspondent at the Bundeshaus – the Bundeshaus Radio is airing for in all 13 private radio stations from the sessions of the Swiss parliament assembly in the capital city. Radio Zürisee moved in 1994 from Stäfa to Rapperswil at the location opposite of the Rapperswil railway station, from where it’s still airing. In 2011 the Bernese radio Capital FM was bought from Tamedia.
Theodor Gut junior, editor in chief of the Zürichsee-Zeitung from 1953 to 1987, initiated the transition of his newspaper to a non-partisan forum newspaper, and the company expanded in 1983 to get involved in Radio Zürisee.
Radio Information: |
Location: Zürich, Switzerland |
Language: English |
Genres: Pop, Hip Hop, Hits |
Web Site: |